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Conflict Free Diamonds

Our mission is to cultivate a more ethical, transparent, and sustainable jewelry industry.

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Defining Beyond Conflict Free

Jewelers that offer “conflict free” diamonds are limiting themselves to the Kimberley Process' definition, which narrowly defines conflict diamonds as rough diamonds used to finance wars against governments. What this definition leaves out is large numbers of diamonds that are tainted by violence, human rights abuses, poverty, environmental degradation, and other issues. We go beyond the usual standard to offer diamonds that have been carefully selected for their ethical and environmentally responsible origins. Learn more about the issues.

What Sets Us Apart

Jawyo goes above and beyond the current industry standards to offer Beyond Conflict Free Diamonds with a listed origin of Canada or Botswana Sort. Our select group of diamond suppliers demonstrate a robust chain of custody protocol for their diamonds and have the ability to track and segregate diamonds by origin.

These suppliers are required to source diamonds that originate from specific mine operations or specific countries that have demonstrated their commitment to follow internationally recognized labor, trade, and environmental standards.

We also offer lab created and recycled diamonds, both of which require no new mining. Learn more about our commitment to traceable diamond origins.

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Lab Created Diamonds

Lab created diamonds are grown in highly controlled laboratory environments using advanced technological processes that duplicate the conditions under which diamonds naturally develop. Lab created diamonds display the same physical, chemical, and optical characteristics as natural diamonds, and exhibit the same fire, scintillation, and sparkle. Lab created diamonds offer excellent value and provide a mining-free alternative to naturally sourced

Recycled Diamonds

Recycled diamonds are a responsible choice. These diamonds have been mined, cut, and polished, were previously purchased, and are now being made available again. Because they are repurposed after a prior purchase, these diamonds require no new mining. This reduces the demand for new diamond mining and avoids perpetuating ongoing abuses. Our recycled diamonds have been graded by an independent gemological lab, so can be compared to newly mined diamonds for their quality characteristics.

Accent Diamonds

Diamond accents are challenging to track and segregate by origin due to their small size. Our diamond accents are Kimberley Process certified, but, unless otherwise specified on the product page, we do not identify an origin for our diamond accents. Where possible, our suppliers will prioritize sourcing accent diamonds that originate from Canada, Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, or Lesotho. Where available, we also match the type of accent diamonds with the type of selected center diamond. If a lab created center diamond is selected, then the accent diamonds may be lab created, as indicated in the product details.

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Our Vision for the Future:
Fair Trade Diamonds

Despite abundant natural resources, many artisanal miners live in abject poverty and endure terrible working conditions every day. The fair trade diamond model is an innovative approach to transforming the artisanal diamond mining sector and improving the livelihoods of miners.

As part of our commitment to ethically sourced jewelry, Jawyo’s goal is to support our non-profit partner Diamond Development Initiative’s work to bring these diamonds to market in the future. Learn more about how Jawyo is disrupting the diamond industry. Learn more about our giving back.

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